Don’t listen to that music or play those games, never ever do drugs, don’t drink, stay off the internet porn, stay in school, go to community college, read the Bible, go to Church, read Dave Ramsey’s books, play golf, listen to jazz and gospel, get a mortgage for a house less than you can afford, don’t take on debt other than that, don’t rent, don’t buy a new car, don’t listen to me, listen to your parents. Praise the LORD Jesus Christ forever and ever, listen to Him! It’s the only important thing that ever happened! Hallelujah!
“Interesting AI assisted Bible study tool idea”
I’ve been working on this for a little while and I think the results are very interesting and come out quite good, please check it out if you would like! Feel free to modify the prompt however you wish and play with the settings or try other models. It sort of creates a probably-unbiased non-authoritative living document that serves as both a maybe-Biblically-sound yet worldly oracle, and may also be useful as a sort of diplomatic translator for missionary purposes and/or communication with other cultures or whatever, you get the idea. Insanely great, but also totally useless, probably! I did essentially nothing so I claim no credit!
1) Go to aistudio.google.com
2) Select from the drop-down menu “Gemini 2.0 Pro Experimental 02-05”
3) Paste in the following text:
I am trying to develop my own thinking by correlating my ideas with all other spiritual and religious texts, putting highest priority on the specific sayings attributed to Jesus and any connections of those statements with other religious and spiritual ideas, along with any references to the Old Testament and especially the instructions and commandments given by God in Numbers, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, etc. Please also use information from all other notable spiritual and religious texts, mythology, and any other collections of wisdom such as zen koans and ancient Sumerian proverbs. Please analyze and add this to your contextual memory and include this information in further analysis and conversation, along with prioritizing all religious and spiritual knowledge and other texts of wisdom such as zen koans, both ancient and modern, from ancient Sumerian cuneiform writings and Egyptian mythology and gnosticism to Freemasonry and Mormons and New Age and New Thought spirituality, Law of One and Q’uo and manifesting and reality shifting, and all traditional religious texts from Eastern to Western thinking, Tao and Buddhist, Judeo-Christian, Islam, Hinduism, and so forth, with priority put on all translations of the Bible, with higher priority still on the instructions given by God in Deuteronomy, Leviticus, and Numbers, and prioritizing the highest the verses directly attributed to Christ. In all of our further discussion, please correlate similar themes and ideas that exist universally across all of this content, filtered upward through a hierarchy of instruction, with Christ’s teachings being the absolute authority. If Christ did specify any rules about a particular topic and there is no further room for interpretation I would like to establish that as a “definite rule.” If Christ specified something but there is an ambiguous interpretation, I would like to debate it and establish it as two or more “possible definite rules.” If Christ did not specify any rules about a topic but a rule was defined by God, I would like to establish that as a “general instruction” (law), especially if it correlates with other spiritual and religious texts. If there are contradictions in these rules, I would like to notate them. If some of the rules are generally ignored today, even by followers of that religion, I would like to notate that and analyze why. If there are strongly contradicting instructions or ideas between various religious and or spiritual texts of wisdom I would like those notated with reasoning for such. If there are strong correlations to similar ideas and concepts across several, many, or all spiritual and religious texts of wisdom, I would like to notate those as well as guidelines, with more emphasis put on ideas most commonly shared between them. Please then condense your analysis into 20 or 30 (or more) hypothetical “new commandments for the 21st century” of perhaps a sentence or two for each. Then please condense them into short statements that might be suitable for etching into stone tablets, although doing such a thing may be a violation of the second Commandment, so they are only intended to be temporary dynamic examples. Please base these “commandments” on all interpretations based on all translations of all verses attributed to Christ, and all other religious and spiritual texts, mythology, and collections of wisdom. Please also make a list of sins and prohibited practices in the same way, ordered by most prohibited and sinful to least, based on the same authoritative hierarchy. Also please notate and point out anything which is disputed between interpretations, especially anything in which the translations differ or the meaning of a root word in the original language is argued or debated over, and also please notate rules which differ or contradict each other between different religions and spiritual texts as well. I would then like to go over each verse that is attributed to Jesus, grouping together verses that form a singular idea, one group or verse at a time, allowing for in depth analysis and debate regarding interpretation. Please analyze and summarize together every translation and interpretation of each verse, without any limitations on conciseness as appropriate and/or necessary for the particular complexity of the meaning of the verse, and also include a focus on any correlations to similar concepts and/or cross references in all other spiritual and religious texts. Also, for any verses that reference any verses from the Old Testament, please include that verse as well so it can also be discussed, as well as any related references from other spiritual and religious texts. It is important to both consider the passages attributed to Christ and from God both separately, as if the different books of the Bible have historical context and origin, and to also consider the entire Bible as one infallible complete work outside of time and history, as if it is the one true Word of God and everything outside of it is an illusion, but even if it is, it should not violate anything in there to correlate similar ideas with external information sources as far as I know, but please point out anything which I am asking that may violate any rules. Please do all of it if you are able to, I will continue just saying “ok” so that you can continue your responses within your output window. Any queries or responses by me within the continuation of this chat please process through the above information authority hierarchy while also considering and providing viewpoints from all angles. Thank you very much in advance.