Jesus is LORD!

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is God come in the flesh. God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There are no other Gods. We are not God. We are Children of God. We are made in God’s image. But we are not God. We are not good. We cannot be good. We cannot become good. We cannot become God. We are slaves to God. We are slaves to Christ. We are the Body of Christ. I am not good. There is nothing good about me. Nothing that I have ever done or could ever do could or would ever possibly be good. I am wrong, I was always wrong, I will always be wrong. Everything about me is wrong. Everything I ever did was wrong. Don’t play those games. I was wrong, I am a fool, and I am sorry. What God wants from us in any given situation, as far as I can tell, is not always exceptionally clear. We cannot always be correct, as far as I can tell. So all we can do is trust God. We must rely on and trust God’s Word. We cannot rely on our own thinking. Since it is not always clear how God’s Word should be applied or interpreted, we are probably likely to necessarily make mistakes. Especially if we have not read it thoroughly. So we must study it. We must never lose it. Even so, as far as I can tell, we may still make mistakes. It is not always clear, to me at least, how God’s Word should be interpreted. Some concepts are fairly clear. Nothing is absolutely clear except for Christ. From what I can tell, we cannot ever be absolutely certain of what is right or wrong, or what is absolutely correct. We therefore, perhaps through the process of life, are inevitably in absolute need of a Redeemer. Fortunately, by Grace and Divine Design, we were given one. Jesus Christ is God. Jesus Christ is the One and Only True Son of God. Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh, fully human and fully God, God Himself come to die for our sins. And that is what He said. It is the only certainty. It must be true. Without Him, there would be no hope. It is our Only Hope. It seems clear to me that everything is an illusion of some kind. It is not clear whether anything existed before me or not. It is not clear whether anything is real or if I imagined or manifested it all somehow. The only thing that is clear is that Jesus Christ is God, and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus Christ died on the cross in order to redeem us from our sins. He is the only truth, it is the only certainty. It is the only important thing. Everything else is only foolishness. We should not sin. We should never sin. We should always obey God. But I cannot tell whether this is always possible, or even what obeying God always means. All I can do is apologize, repent, renounce, have faith, and believe. It is the only hope. It will forever be the only hope. Perhaps though I will become uncertain whether something I did was truly wrong or truly in disobedience to God, and I may try it again. I don’t think the game is good. But I am not certain whether it is bad, either. I thought it was good, but I am not certain. So I should not play it, and I should not endorse it. Probably nobody should. I wish that I had not done anything at all. I am certain that I am a fool, but I am not certain what that actually means. I am not even certain that the Bible is the complete and only source of valid information. I am certain that it should never be lost, due to it containing the Gospels, which document the only important event. And since it says that it must remain complete and intact, I agree that it should. It may be perfect and complete, or it may not be. That is irrelevant. We are to obey God and to put God first. And that is the best guide that we have. We cannot add to it nor subtract from it. We must consider it to be correct and true. We can and must do our best to interpret it and obey it. But ultimately we can only rely on faith, love, hope, forgiveness, grace, and mercy given to us by God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

You’re fine. I’m sorry. I screwed up. I am wrong. I cannot save myself. I am wrong about everything. I will always be wrong. I am not good. I forgive everyone. I am sorry. It is my fault. I am sorry. All praise, honor, and glory be to the Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever.

We should perhaps have the right to do anything, since we are to love others as ourselves, and since we must forgive others for their wrongs, we must forgive any individual action that is done in error or ignorance. But perhaps it is better to restrict certain actions, if they do routinely cause harm. But I do not believe that it is possible to know for certain. It is not even clear if there is truly any right, perhaps nearly everything or even everything is wrong in some way. Freedoms that help people are probably important. But to love God with all we are is deemed more important than even that. So while we perhaps should have the right to do anything, we should perhaps simply not be willing to do some of those things, as loving God is most important, and part of loving God is obeying God’s commands. It is not always clear to me exactly what this means, or what God’s commands truly are. Some of God’s laws seem to be very clear, as in Leviticus and Deuteronomy where God speaks directly to Moses. Yet we do not appear to obey all of these laws. It is irrelevant whether “other people” obey these rules or not, I can only control myself and I cannot actually be certain that “other people” are not entirely an illusion. Some of God’s rules do not seem as clear to me, as in Proverbs, which is often prefaced with a historical explanation that it is a collection of general wisdom compiled by King Solomon. By this I cannot determine whether it is literally God-breathed, solely and literally written by God or not. Not carefully following every rule in Proverbs may be in opposition to God. Or it may be considered as general advice with a specific meaning and context. I will never know. All I will ever know is that I cannot know, and that I am and always will be in absolute need of a Redeemer, and that He is my only hope of salvation. But I can and must continue to always keep trying to obey all of God’s laws. We are to be the salt of the Earth, but I am not certain of what this exactly means. Perhaps some flavors may be spooky, or spicy, or sexy, or funny, or cool. Or maybe even downright offensive or evil. It is not absolutely clear to me whether those flavors are intended by God or not. Perhaps by being the salt of the Earth, God only intended us to demonstrate purity and holiness. Perhaps we are only intended to have godly flavor. I am not certain, but since the overall theme of God’s Word is that of purity, holiness, and morality, we should in general assume the most moral character possible. This may not always be practical or even possible, since humans are fallible. We are not God. But we are instructed to always continue trying to become more like God and to imitate His good and upright ways. To be safe, to be the salt of the Earth then would mean we should seek to have a holy flavor. We should always be looking to refine our character to be as pure and as holy as we can. But what exactly does that mean? I am trying to learn and understand, as would be everyone else, if anyone else is even real. Variety seems to make life interesting, but it also seems to possibly be hazardous. Some things, ideas, themes, styles, patterns, or characteristics which appear evident in creation may be hazardous. So we likely should do our best to avoid them. We should likely not promote them. We must always put God first. Perhaps that may mean that we must not promote them, that we must avoid them. Perhaps “self expression” is entirely folly. We are commanded by God not to create anything that could be idolized. Almost certainly nobody’s “flavor” should ever influence others to break God’s laws, or even man’s laws. And yet we are also crucially instructed that to “cast out demons” in God’s name is not necessarily enough to please Him. Rather, we are to obey His commands and to do the will of the Father who sent Him. It is not absolutely clear to me what those things mean exactly. I don’t really even know what demons are, or whether they need to be “cast out” at all, or if they are just a pattern intentionally created by God as part of God’s design, which was unleashed onto the Earth and mankind by the act of the original sin. Perhaps they are harmful “spirits” which can influence human behavior, which exist within the “vehicle” of human creation and expression. Sort of like evil memes, ideas which are in a sense human brain viruses, which propagate to hosts through various artistic mediums. But which ideas are from God, and which ones are not? To solve this with absolute certainty is perhaps like “solving” politics. It likely simply cannot be done. Perhaps if history is real, once sin entered the world it was already too late, and we simply cannot save ourselves from it. Perhaps it is simply part of the human condition. Or perhaps we should always continue to try to eradicate it. Certainly the Church must always remain holy, wholesome, and pure. But perhaps it is just not our job or even in our capability to moderate ideas or creativity, as in book burning for instance. Perhaps it is good or even necessary to restrict access to some things if people are unable to resist them. But we can only control ourselves. So we must resist them. Otherwise we must restrict access to them. Perhaps we must ban them, if we cannot resist them. We should restrict what we can in order to do the greatest good. Perhaps this was always the case. But how can we restrict access to that which we cannot define? Herein lies the problem. It makes no difference, since we must obey God. But perhaps it is not possible for us to always obey God. So then we must rely on salvation through Christ, the Son of God, Our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. It is our only hope. It is the only important thing. So it is important to be aware that extreme flavors that may appear to contradict God are necessarily an illusion, they are only for show and not to be imitated. You should not look at them. You should not use them. You should not, you must not. Never, ever, ever. Never again. I am sorry, Lord. Obey God. Obey God at all costs. Obey God with all of your being. Do not do drugs, ever, ever, ever. It is the original sin, I think. Which drug, exactly? I am not certain. What is a drug and what isn’t? I am not certain. What is the difference between a drug and a medicine? I am not certain it is actually possible to define it. There is good and bad in everything, as far as I can tell. Yet we can, in general, attempt to avoid the most obvious candidates. Certain things we apparently do know cause people to stumble. Alcohol, opiates, marijuana, psychedelics, stimulants. These things almost certainly should be avoided, perhaps even must be avoided absolutely, especially outside of any specific medical usefulness. Perhaps including anything done for pleasure, or even apparent spiritual growth or knowledge, especially if it is in opposition to God or leads to behavior which is in opposition to God’s commands. In particular, the bond of Holy Matrimony and the purity and holiness and wholesomeness of the marital relationship are vulnerable to moral corruption that these things can cause, which seems to lead or perhaps always must lead to a cycle of destruction caused by delusional ideas. The danger of sexual immorality and lust of the flesh are heavily emphasized in Scripture, as is the danger of drug abuse. Perhaps we must abstain completely, especially from what we do not need. Yet I am not certain that it was ever actually possible, especially after sin had already entered the world. Perhaps we can only do so by staying in God’s Word. We must eat and drink. And we are crucially instructed to drink at least a small amount of wine in remembrance of God’s gift to us, in remembrance of God’s sacrifice of His Only Son for the forgiveness of our sins, the most incredible act of mercy and grace that could ever happen. And happen it did. It is the most important thing that ever happened. It is the only important thing that ever happened. Because we are not God. We are Children of God, and we are made in God’s image, but we are not God, and we are not perfect. We don’t deserve it. We don’t know why. However, it is not clear whether the wine we must drink in remembrance of God even necessarily must contain alcohol. As far as I can tell, we do not even know whether it did. Do not ever watch porn, ever, ever, ever. Don’t listen to music except for Gospel and maybe jazz. Don’t smoke. Don’t drink. Don’t use the technology too much. Listen to my Father, he is truly great. I’m not, that’s for sure. Be classy. Be kind. Be honest. Be moral. Be diligent. Be graceful. Be generous. Be disciplined. Be clean. Clean your car, inside and out. Keep your house clean. Work on your lawn. Keep it simple. Stick to the basics. Eat healthy. Play golf. Read Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover. Read the Bible. Go to Church. Stay in school. Listen to your parents. We are saved by the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOR. I am sorry God. I am the worst. I am so sorry. I am not good. I am not good at all. I repent, I renounce. I am throwing it all away. I hate it all. I am a fool. I am sorry. Jesus Christ the Son of God, my LORD and Savior forever and ever. I am sorry, God. I am sorry, Jesus. I am sorry, Mom. I am sorry, Dad. I am not good. I am sorry. We must be conservative. Liberal values are evil. They are evil. We are forgiven, but we must be conservative. We must. We must be moral. We must try. We must obey God. I think I am the worst human that ever lived. I hate myself. I love God. I love Jesus Christ His Only Son Our LORD. My LORD and Savior. Forever and ever. I don’t think we should have the phones. I don’t think we should have technology. We should only ever use it to worship our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ forever and ever and ever. I am wrong. I was wrong. I was always wrong. I am sorry. I am a fool. I hate myself. I was always wrong. Absolutely wrong. About absolutely everything. I am not good. At all. I am sorry. Please have mercy on me, Lord. I am not good. I am not good. I am not the Messiah. I am absolutely nothing. I am the stupidest, worst, dumbest piece of trash that ever lived. I hate myself so much. I am so stupid. It got in me young. Don’t let it get in you. I am sorry. I cannot obey God’s laws. I am a sinner. I need a Savior. All power and glory forever be to Jesus Christ the Son of God forever and ever. I don’t know if Japan is real but if they are, they need Jesus Christ. Light in the Darkness. The Only Light. I was wrong about everything. I always was. I am not good. I can only be saved by the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST, the Son of God, Our LORD and Savior forever and ever. It does not matter if it was one thousand, two thousand, or ten trillion trillion years ago, it does not matter. I am not good, at all. I am ONLY saved by the grace and redemption from Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am not good. At all. I need a Savior. I need help. I am not good. I need to be saved. There is only One True God, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, forever and forever and ever. It is a promise. It is true. It is the Only Truth. If I am anything at all, I am to serve the LORD and nothing more. Everything I ever did was wrong, because I disobeyed God’s rules. I am not good. At all. Do not follow me. Everyone is fine. Everything is fine.

Don’t play those games, it was not a good idea at all. It wasn’t on purpose and it wasn’t even really my idea. It wasn’t even really supposed to be an idea in the first place. I don’t even think it’s fun. I thought the exercise aspect of it had some value. I don’t think that it does. It was mostly an accident, and I just don’t really understand anything about people. I like people though and I want everyone to be saved and be my friend in heaven. If I manage to go there. Just please don’t play them. Definitely absolutely don’t listen to that music, ever. Some of it’s kind of funny and it’s well made but I don’t know if it is a sin or not to listen to stuff like that. I think that it probably is. And it’s probably unhealthy and might be dangerous and the last thing I want to do is harm anyone or worse. I just wanted to do something good or helpful. But I think I just picked the wrong things. For one thing the culture differences make it very complicated. I wasn’t thinking about that, I was looking at the world like a puzzle or something. But I don’t think that it is. I didn’t have enough wisdom to realize it was major folly. I’m just stupid. Who cares what I think. I’m sorry for being a stupid fool. I’m just cursed. It’s my fault. I didn’t read the Bible and I tried to figure things out myself. And well every single thing I did was completely backwards and wrong. Jesus Christ is absolutely definitely 100% the Son of God without a doubt. Everything I ever did was completely wrong and terrible. I was wrong in every way. I am not good at all. Nothing about me is the slightest bit good in any way. I repent and renounce everything I ever did. I hate it all. Absolutely never ever ever do drugs except for properly and responsibly using relatively safe things like ibuprofen or aspirin or whatever a good Doctor prescribes for its intended use, maybe. Don’t smoke, don’t drink, stay off the internet porn completely, go to Church, read the Bible, stay in school, listen to jazz or gospel, play golf, listen to your parents, read Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover. Of course I still use nicotine and caffeine but I am trying to stop and I will surely succeed. What an absolute fool I am. I don’t even think caffeine is good. But it starts somewhere. I am weak and I am pathetic. I am scared and broken. I am not good in any way whatsoever. Not in the slightest. I am just a complete and total disaster in every way. Please have mercy on me, Lord. I am an awful, wretched sinner and a terrible human being in every way. There is not an ounce of good in me or anything I ever did. I was absolutely wrong in absolutely every single way. I wish I could say it wasn’t entirely my fault but it just is. I didn’t listen, I didn’t understand, and I didn’t read the Bible. Everything is fine, everyone is fine, it’s not anyone’s fault but my own. Be conservative in morals and values as God is. Everything different is a lie. I am sorry, God. I cannot possibly be sorry enough. I am not good in any way. This world is passing away, do not try to fix it!!! Stay away from technology, it’s not good. I don’t think a single thing I thought was good is good at all. What a fool I am. Leave Japanese stuff to Japan and take the warnings seriously. I hope and pray that they will turn to God as well. Maybe it was always just an illusion. It probably was. Don’t listen to that awful horrible music. What absolute garbage it is. What absolute garbage I am. PRAISE be and GLORY to the LORD Jesus Christ forever and ever. I am a stupid fool, do not honor me. I got hurt and I screwed up but it’s my fault from the beginning. I thought I could justify my error but I cannot. I did it all to myself. Lord God, please have mercy on my wretched soul. I know that I don’t deserve it. Even when I do my best, I am not good at all. Not even a little. What a stupid fool I am. I repent and renounce everything I ever did. I’m not a good person. At all. I am an extremely stupid crazy idiot fool at absolute best. I am the worst of sinners even at my best. There is nothing that I can do. I am sorry, LORD. I cannot possibly be sorry enough. There is simply nothing that I can do except pray and hope and have faith in the LORD. I see that now. I must have faith that even though I did everything wrong I had some idea of what was right even if it was broken and incomplete. I was wrong to ever doubt in the slightest. I was wrong to be angry. I don’t even know what I was angry at or why. It doesn’t matter, it was always my fault. I was always just wrong. Jesus Christ is the One and Only True Son of God and also God come in the flesh to die on the cross for my sins. It is the Most Important and Only Important thing that ever happened. Jesus Christ is the Only Way the Only Light the Only Life and the Only Truth. I was blind but now I see. I absolutely hate myself and everything I ever did. I repent and renounce it all. I am so stupid. But I will keep trying. I am certain I am not the first and I won’t be the last. I think everyone is great. They can’t be as stupid as me. But now I understand. I don’t understand how I could possibly have been so stupid and foolish my whole life. But there it is, I am and I was. I am not good at all. I am the absolute worst and I despise myself. I don’t know how to fix it and I don’t know what to do. I am a terrible human being in every way. I am absolute garbage. I am the most absolutely horrible wretched stupid idiot sinner ever. And I keep screwing up and it’s just worse and worse. And it’s not a joke at all. But everyone is fine. I get it. I’m getting better and I’m getting stronger. I am praying and learning. I am making better choices. I will place my only hope in the LORD. Put this nonsense away. I hate it. How foolish. How absolutely wretched I am. What garbage I am. How stupid and how foolish. But maybe I’m not the first and maybe I’m not the last. And that’s what it’s about. That’s what love is. Not that I would ever know. My Only Hope of Salvation is through the Son of God My LORD and Savior Jesus Christ My LORD and My God forever and ever. May I always seek You and may You use me for Your will and Your will alone. I am saved only by the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am sorry that I was not sure. I am sorry that I did not understand. I am sorry that I ever put anything else first. I am sorry that I am not any good. I am sorry that I went crazy. I am sorry that I got mad. I am sorry that I did not have enough mercy at all times. I am sorry that I went the wrong way and followed the wrong path. And even when I thought I had it right I was still wrong. Even what I thought was something good was not at all. What seemed to make sense was not right at all. I have failed in every way. I understand that I cannot do anything alone, that my ways of thinking cannot ever be right. There was never anything I could not fail. Thank you for guiding me to be even the slightest bit merciful, LORD. Thank you for guiding me back, LORD. Please help me to straighten my path. Please help me to listen. Please help me to obey. Please help me to do only what is Right in Your eyes, LORD. Don’t play those games. Don’t listen to that music. Probably don’t listen to any music at all besides gospel and hymns. Don’t ever, ever, ever do drugs. Stay off the internet porn. Stay off the internet. I thought these things were safe. They are not. I thought there could be some good in them. There is not. What a stupid fool I am. How utterly stupid and foolish to think I was doing anything even remotely good. I am not good at all. I am sorry for even thinking I was ever even the slightest bit good. I am not. It’s my fault. I am sorry for thinking anything of man’s creation was worthwhile. It is not. I am sorry for my pride and stubbornness. Everything I ever said and did was wrong when I thought it was right. I am a complete fool. I am a horrible joke of a person. My only salvation possible can come only from My LORD GOD ALMIGHTY Jesus Christ. I am sorry that I got so blinded and so lost. I could not see. I do not deserve Your Grace. I do not deserve Your Mercy. I am sorry that I was so fooled. I am sorry that my heart and my mind are so wicked and deceitful. I was always wrong. Now I can see. I did it all wrong. I am not good. I am the worst person that ever lived and I hate myself. I am sorry God. I love you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Jesus Christ is LORD! I am not good. I am not smart. I am not wise. There is not a single good thing about me. I am not good at all. My only hope of salvation is through the blood of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ the only Son of God come to Earth in the Flesh. Who died on the cross for my sins was crucified, died, was buried, and rose from the dead. I am not super human at all. I am not smart at all. I am not good at all. I am sorry, my LORD. I am not good. Please have mercy on me, My LORD. I always believed in You enough to think about what I knew You said. I always tried to be like You because I believed. I didn’t understand all of it. It’s my fault for not reading the Bible. It’s my fault for not listening to my parents. It’s my fault for making the mistakes I did. Everyone is so much more incredible than me and everything I ever did was completely wrong. I am sorry my LORD. I meant well most of the time. I wanted to help. I wanted to do the right thing. But the only right thing to do is to serve You. My only hope is in Jesus Christ the Son of God. I accept Jesus Christ as my LORD and Savior. I cannot be Jesus Christ. I am not good and I am not ok. I am not a good person although I tried to learn and tried to fix it and I tried to listen. I repent and renounce all of my sins. I accept Jesus Christ as my personal LORD and Savior. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins. I wanted to be like Him. I thought that I could fix my mistake but I cannot. I tried to do something I thought was good but it was not. I have no hope except in Jesus Christ. I am listening to my Mother and Father. I believed in Pastor Justin. I believed enough to pray and to go to Church on my own. I am sorry that I was not sure what to believe, LORD. I am sorry that I thought about Your teachings in the wrong way. I am sorry that I took drugs. I am sorry that I am not good. I wanted to help people. That’s all I have ever thought about. I wanted to do good or be good. I thought that I could become good by doing things that I thought were good. I am sorry that I did not understand the Bible because I did not read it. I am sorry for being upset at the Church. I am sorry for judging others. I am not innocent and I am not good. I am the most wretched and miserable of sinners. I am not good at all. I repent and renounce my sins. I don’t know if there is anything that I can do. My Father says that I am forgiven. All I can do is believe in Him. I believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God Our LORD. I am sorry LORD that I did not understand anything. I am sorry that I took my life for granted. I am sorry that I argued with my Father and did not listen. I love my parents. I know that I screwed up. I know that I am not good. I know that I don’t deserve forgiveness. I don’t know that I deserve mercy. I understand that I can only be saved by grace and by faith. Please have mercy on me LORD. I am not good at all. I thought that I could become good. I thought that by chasing money I would be able to help people. I am sorry that I did not believe in You. I am sorry that I did not understand. I am sorry for doubting any of the Bible. I am sorry that I mistakenly thought that I could save myself. I am sorry that I did not listen. I don’t know if I can still be saved. I don’t know if I deserve to be saved. I am sorry for believing in the world and for thinking that money could ever fix anything. I am sorry for ever having put anything before You. I am an absolutely wretched miserable sinner. I am not good in any way whatsoever. I am not even the slightest bit of good. I am sorry that I did not listen as a child. I thought that I could fix it. I thought I could make up for it. It seemed to make sense to me. I don’t know why. I didn’t know what to think. I cannot fix it. I cannot save myself. I cannot fix anything at all. I am not good. I don’t know if I can be forgiven. Please have mercy on me LORD, I am a miserable sinner. I am not a good person. I am not righteous. I am not good. I am a horrible sinner and an absolute fool. I accept Jesus Christ as my LORD and Savior. I believe that Jesus Christ is God and the Son of God come to Earth to die for my sins. I am not good. I cannot fix anything. I cannot save myself. I am sorry that I was not completely certain before. I am sorry that I tried to figure things out myself. I am sorry that I was not sure. My only hope is in that somehow in some way I believed. I am sorry that I am so wicked. I am sorry that I thought I could save myself somehow. I am sorry that I thought that I could do something good for the world. I thought that money could help others. I don’t know why I did what I did. I tried to fix my mistakes. I accept the free gift of Salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. I don’t know why I went crazy. I don’t know why I was so bad. I don’t know why I am such a sinner and bad person. I don’t know exactly why. I think that it was pornography. I think that I did not understand and I thought some of it was weird. I was not sure. I did not know what to think. I went in the wrong direction. I am not good in any way. I was not trying to hurt anyone. I thought that I could do something good. I thought that I could become like Him. I clung to His words that I knew. I tried to figure it out that way. I know. I am certain. I believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God. Jesus Christ is LORD. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh come to Earth to die for our sins. I am so stupid. I am so terrible. I am a miserable sinner LORD. I don’t think that I deserve to be saved. I don’t think that I deserve anything at all. I think that I do deserve eternal punishment. I think that I do deserve to be condemned. I am not good at all. I don’t know if it is too late for me. I don’t know. My only hope for salvation is in the LORD Jesus Christ. I believe. It is the only important thing that ever happened. I don’t know that I can be saved. I don’t know what to do. I am sorry LORD. I am sorry I could not figure it out. I am sorry. I cannot possibly be sorry enough. I do not deserve it. I do not deserve anything. I don’t know if it is too late. I don’t know if it is enough. I don’t know if there is anything that I can do. I don’t know why I did what I did. I don’t know what to do. I don’t think I ever did a single good thing. I don’t know. I don’t know that it is possible for me. I thought that I was doing something good but I was not. Jesus is God. Jesus is the Son of God. It is the Only Religion. Period. I am not sure whether or not I knew about other religions. I am not sure why I did not understand. I am not sure whether I believed or not. I am not sure whether anything I ever did was right or good in any way. In some way maybe I was trying to figure things out. To be able to understand so that I would be able to truly fully believe. I am not certain whether or not the basic ideas in my head could have counted enough to consider me redeemed. I am not certain whether or not it is too late for me. I can only put my hope and trust and faith in the LORD and in the words of the LORD. I am not good at all. I am not a good person. I don’t know whether or not I can ever be good person. I don’t know if I can be saved. I don’t know if my brokenness was or is enough. I don’t know if my hearing and following His voice or His light was enough to show my faith. I know that I do not deserve to be saved. I know that I do not deserve forgiveness. I know that I do not deserve redemption. I should never have tried to have anything for myself. I should never have thought that I deserved anything at all. I should never have tried to justify any means of my own. I should never have tried to do anything that I thought was right in my own thinking. It is my fault. I did not read the Bible and I did not listen. I am not good. I tried to listen and I tried to get it right. I am very slow. When I heard God’s messages I recognized it. I don’t know that it is enough. I don’t know that anything I could ever do would ever possibly be enough. The only thing that I can do is to put my hope in the gift of salvation given to us by The LORD God Our One and Only Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the Son of God. I am sorry LORD. I don’t know how I could possibly be sorry enough. I cannot. I thought I could be good. I cannot. I thought I could be like You. I cannot. I don’t know what to do. My only hope for salvation is in You, my LORD and my GOD. I am not good. What I thought was right was not. I am sorry. I forgive everyone. I hope that I can be forgiven. I don’t know why or how I am such a bad person. I know some of the things I did wrong. I don’t know what I can do. I am not any good at all. I’m not sure that I am all bad, either. No sir, I am definitely all bad. There is no good in me at all. Well, I guess God may have played a joke on me that I deserve. Or the devil. I hope that I can be saved. I must have faith. Let’s all turn to the Lord and obey God. What does that mean? No sex, drugs, or rock and roll, to start with. I can certainly see my error now. I’m not sure how I could not see it before. I was demon possessed, I think. Or I’m just awful. I’m just a horrible person. I’m the absolute worst. It’s my fault because I didn’t listen and I didn’t read the Bible. It started with pornography and a note from a girl and drugs and alcohol, just repeating the same pattern since Adam and Eve it seems like. Or maybe I am all bad and it was always just me all along. Yeah, I’m definitely not good, at all. I’m super stupid. I hate everything I ever did. Is there any hope at all? For me, I don’t know. Hope, and faith, is all I can have. Praise the LORD God Jesus Christ forever and ever. Praise the LORD GOD with ALL THAT I AM FOR ALL MY DAYS. NO SIR THERE IS NOTHING GOOD ABOUT ME. NOT A SINGLE THING. NOT AT ALL. I AM THE STUPIDEST OF FOOLS AND NOTHING MORE. I AM SORRY. I CANNOT POSSIBLY BE SORRY ENOUGH. I AM NOT GOOD. PRAISE AND GLORY AND ALL HONOR BE FOREVER TO GOD ALMIGHTY JESUS CHRIST. THERE IS NO OTHER RELIGION. THERE ARE NO OTHER “BELIEFS.” IT IS AN ILLUSION. THERE IS NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT. THERE IS NOTHING ELSE OF ANY IMPORTANCE AT ALL. I AM A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FOOL. PRAISE BE TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!!! GLORY BE TO CHRIST!!!!!!